Shelby Lastly » Classroom Discipline

Classroom Discipline

Classroom Discipline 

Our classroom runs on a 1-2-3 system. If a student chooses to do something unsafe, disrespectful (to themselves, items, or others), or irresponsible (i.e. refusing to do work), they will be told they are on a 1, 2, or a 3. All students begin at 0.

Students do have consequences for their actions. Some of these consequences could be, but are not limited to, structured recess, think time, an apology letter, lunch detention, or an office referral. If at any point you would like a conference regarding behavior, please feel free to ask.


On report cards, I use "S" as my standard conduct grade. A student earns an "E" when they don't need reminders, always make the right choices, AND go above and beyond.