This is the official pre-k webpage. Here, you will be able to find updates about what we are doing in class. You will also see any important information that needs to be shared.
Pre-K Team
7:15-7:40 Arrival/Wait or Unpack
7:40-8:00 Arrival & Announcements
8:00-8:30 Breakfast
8:40-10:00 ELAR/Social Studies Block
10:00-10:15 Snack/Potty/Transition to activity
10:20-11:10 Activity
11:10-12:45 Math/Science Block
12:15-12:40 Recess
12:45-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2:30 Potty/Nap
2:30-2:45 Packup/Ed Video/Potty /LIM
2:45-3:00 Recess in the Grove (optional)
3:00-3:05 Dismissal
What is happening in Pre-K…
Week 1
Essential Question
How are animals alike?
Animals need air, water, and food.
Key Concepts and Skills:
- ✔Phonological and Sound-Symbol Awareness: Introduce letter u and sound /u/; blend onset and rime.
- ✔Emergent Reading: Identify basic needs of animals and plants; compare living and nonliving things; identify text features; create a story web.
- ✔Emergent Writing: Cut lines on paper; complete two directed drawings: Me, Whole-Body Shape.
- ✔Mathematics: Introduce greater than/less than; explore shape constancy.
- ✔Science: Compare plants/animals in Venn diagram; discuss caring for the environment.
- ✔Technology: Research living and nonliving things, polluted habitats, animal facts.
- ✔Social-Emotional: Share stories about solving problems.
Week 2
Essential Question
How are animals alike?
Animals live in different places.
Key Concepts and Skills:
- ✔Phonological and Sound-Symbol Awareness: Match uppercase/lowercase letters; introduce letter b and sound /b/.
- ✔Emergent Reading: Complete graphic organizer of story parts; introduce describing words; identify uppercase letters and punctuation.
- ✔Emergent Writing: Create chart of shape attributes; create lion using prewriting stokes and cutting paper; complete directed drawing: Four-Legged Bear.
- ✔Mathematics: Name ordinal positions first through fifth; trace shapes and fill in with prewriting strokes; introduce number 8; use rebus recipe to make a snack.
- ✔Science: Compare types of animals including reptiles and amphibians; discuss camouflage; examine worms.
- ✔Social-Emotional: Make inferences about feelings; share experiences of feeling lonely; describe character's emotions.
Week 3
Essential Question
How are animals alike?
Animals live in different places.
Key Concepts and Skills:
- ✔Phonological and Sound-Symbol Awareness: Match uppercase/lowercase letters; introduce letter b and sound /b/.
- ✔Emergent Reading: Complete graphic organizer of story parts; introduce describing words; identify uppercase letters and punctuation.
- ✔Emergent Writing: Create chart of shape attributes; create lion using prewriting stokes and cutting paper; complete directed drawing: Four-Legged Bear.
- ✔Mathematics: Name ordinal positions first through fifth; trace shapes and fill in with prewriting strokes; introduce number 8; use rebus recipe to make a snack.
- ✔Science: Compare types of animals including reptiles and amphibians; discuss camouflage; examine worms.
- ✔Social-Emotional: Make inferences about feelings; share experiences of feeling lonely; describe character's emotions.