Star Lab/ ARC Resource
Star lab is the location for a 30 minute reading and/or math intervention for students as Shady Grove Elementary in grades K-2. Our goal is to fill in any gaps in the foundations of reading and math so every student can shine to their highest potential.
We also provide assistance for students and teachers as needed with the American Reading Company program. We're here to serve our students and support their learning in any way we can!

Teachers in the Star Lab
Ms. Connie
"Everyone is a star and deserves the right to Twinkle." This quote is why I teach in the Star Lab.
Mrs. Wallace:
"Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a Fire." William Butler Yates. This quote sums up the reason why I teach in the Star Lab.
Reading Step Kick Off will begin September 9. We will start counting every 15 minutes read by the student as 1 step towards the weekly goal of 18 steps. M-Th 2 steps at school and 2 steps at home. Friday 2 steps at school.